How I Passed the RD Exam (2017 Edition)

How I Passed the RD Exam (2017 Edition)

So I did it. I passed the RD exam. 

You're probably too stressed to hear about my happiness, so I'll jump right into the whole process. 

My route is likely a little different than yours, because I completed my dietetic internship during my undergrad at The University of Alabama in the Coordinated Program of Dietetics. After I graduated with my BS in early May, I waited nervously for the paperwork to clear through CDR. Pearson emailed me about 2-3 weeks after graduation saying I was authorized to take the RD exam. Exciting, but also terrifying. 

I recommend scheduling your exam as soon as possible, because the testing centers book up quickly. It's not just future dietitians taking exams - there are nurses, teachers, etc. all in the same room taking the biggest tests of their lives.  I was in the San Francisco area for the summer and the centers were pretty full, so I booked my exam date later than I planned - the first week of July. 

After I paid for the exam, reality set in. Now I actually had to study.

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